Oakleigh offers a range of exciting clubs to support student interests across a range of different areas. These clubs vary from term to term, an example of what is on offer includes:
Chess club
Monday afternoons from 3.15pm - 4.30pm. This club is run by an outside provider and charges are associated. Contact the office for details.
Debating club
Monday Mornings 8.00am - 8.45am. This club is run by an outside provider and charges are associated. Contact the office for details.
Young Innovator Program
These workshops run for 6 weeks each term and are advertised through the newsletter at the beginning of term. There's a $50 charge for these programs. Choices often includes robotics, entrepreneurship and coding.
Garden club
Run by our green thumbed teacher aide Mrs Keough, this club is run on Tuesday lunch times and supports our sustainability and environmental awareness program. Environmental officers assist with this club.
ICT explorers
ICT explorers -Students develop projects in teams to research a topic of interest and present it in a creative and purposeful way.
Accredited student leaders
Year 6 students who passed leadership accreditation assist in a range of activities. One important role is to set up and organise active school travel mornings.
Under 8's day
Held every year this event celebrates the early years of learning. See the pictures below that outline a taste of the activities on offer.
Stolen - A True Crime Podcast